Indian Institute of Medical Sciences Ayurved College & Hospital

इंडियन इन्स्टिट्यूट ऑफ मेडिकल सायन्सेस आयुर्वेद कॉलेज अँन्ड हॉस्पिटल

Address:- Gat No. 144, Opposite Delhi Public School, Behind MUHS, At Manori, Tal. Dindori, Nashik 422 004

Institute Code: N.C.I.S.M. : AYU0821
College Code MUHS:123131
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

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Admission  2024-25

Rachna sharir


Rachana Sharir is a department in the field of Ayurveda which stands as one of the important pillar of basic principles of Ayurveda. It deals with the study of structure of the Human Body and topics like Embryology, Histology, Anthropometry, Genetics, Marma Sharir etc as per Ayurveda and Modern science. Rachana Sharir department also engages in research and teaching. Rachana Sharir department is well equipped with adequate space as per NCISM norms. Student gets both theory and practical knowledge in this subject. Teaching staff is as per NCISIM norms. Dissection hall is adequate with one tank to preserve dead bodies. It is well ventilated. Ayurveda and modern books are sufficient in our departmental library. Adequate numbers of modern charts are available.


To become a truly basis department to confer upon all the other departments of BAMS & MD (Ayu.) curricula.