1 |
Food Sciences and Nutrition Technology |
2 |
01/01/2024 to 31/12/2025 |
2 |
International Journal of Botany Studies |
6 |
01/01/2024 to 31/12/2025 |
3 |
International Journal of Harbal Medicine |
6 |
01/01/2024 to 31/12/2025 |
4 |
International Journal Of Homoeopathic Sciences |
4 |
01/01/2024 to 31/12/2025 |
5 |
International Journal Of Unani and Integrative Medicine |
3 |
01/01/2024 to 31/12/2025 |
6 |
Journal of Advanced Research in Ayurveda,Yoga,Unani,Siddha and Homeopathy |
2 |
01/01/2024 to 31/12/2025 |
7 |
Jouranal of Ayurveda and Integrated Midical Sciences |
6 |
01/01/2024 to 31/12/2025 |
8 |
Journal of Nutural and Ayurveic Medicin |
4 |
01/01/2024 to 31/12/2025 |
9 |
PDEAS International Journal of Research in Ayurved and Allied Scinces |
2 |
01/01/2024 to 31/12/2025 |
10 |
Scienxt:Journal of Ayush Ayurveda, Yoga ,Unani,Siddha and Homeopathy |
2 |
01/01/2024 to 31/12/2025 |
11 |
Ayurved Patrika Magazine |
12 |
01/01/2024 to 31/12/2025 |
12 |
Journal of Reserch in Ayurvedic Sciences Journal |
6 |
01/01/2025 to 31/12/2025 |