Indian Institute of Medical Sciences Ayurved College & Hospital

इंडियन इन्स्टिट्यूट ऑफ मेडिकल सायन्सेस आयुर्वेद कॉलेज अँन्ड हॉस्पिटल

Address:- Gat No. 144, Opposite Delhi Public School, Behind MUHS, At Manori, Tal. Dindori, Nashik 422 004

Institute Code: N.C.I.S.M. : AYU0821
College Code MUHS:123131
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

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Library Introduction

Dr. S. R.Ranganathan

The father of library science

The Library of Indian Institute of Medical Sciences Ayurved College (IIMS), Manori,Nashik was established in 2023.The IIMS Library Preksha cloud system consists of a Library. Preksha Cloud-based library automation in our Library on cloud where we enjoy the benefits of the cloud computing technology. It used web services for computing needs related to library management. Cloud computing is a The main areas of library automation are  Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, OPAC, and Serials control Which collectively support the teaching, research and extension programs of the Institutes.
The Institute has a good Library having publications on various subjects on Ayurveda, Allopathy, Physiology, Sanskrit, Science, etc. Reading room facilities are provided where current and latest journals, magazines, bulletins, leading national and News papers are made available.It caters to the needs of the faculty and students via a rich collection 2687 books. It also provides access to the 10 National       / International Periodicals, Journals, and Magazines.All Students, Faculty members and Employees of the Institutes are entitled to make use of the Library facilities on taking library membership.
The total area of the Library is 2000 sq mtr. Reading room capacity of the Library is more than 50 Students.To serve as a resource center and aims to develop a comprehensive collection of Books and Journals useful for the Students and Faculty. To procure the necessary information in the form of Books and knowledge and make it available to all the beneficiaries including Students and Faculty at all times. Libraries will be a strategic Institutional asset that develops and delivers new methods of creating and supporting knowledge resources.Creating up the fruitful environment for Academic and Research including to enhance the entrepreneurship skills.To effective utilization and improvements in all existing facilities of library, a Library committee is in existence.
The committee conducts a meeting once in a semester to decide the policies. Implementation of the policies is effectively and monitored by Library Committee gives suggestions for efficient and smooth work like purchase of books, subscribing Periodicals & Journals, etc.The Library committee also discusses Library related problems faced by the student. Library Committee visits the library every month to take a regular review of books, journals, magazines etc. Ensuring well-furnished seating arrangement, proper light facility and ventilation for stress-free reading. Availability of library information on the college website. Recommending to the authority about library suggestions and others. To work towards modernization and improvement of library and documentation services.

“Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life.”