Indian Institute of Medical Sciences Ayurved College & Hospital

इंडियन इन्स्टिट्यूट ऑफ मेडिकल सायन्सेस आयुर्वेद कॉलेज अँन्ड हॉस्पिटल

Address:- Gat No. 144, Opposite Delhi Public School, Behind MUHS, At Manori, Tal. Dindori, Nashik 422 004

Institute Code: N.C.I.S.M. : AYU0821
College Code MUHS:123131
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

Important Updates

Admission  2024-25

Library Committee

Library Committee had been constituted for the purpose of smooth functioning of the library and coordination with Head of the Department, faculty members, students and the management.

The major functions of the Library Committee:

Sr. No. Name Designation Mobile No
1 Dr. Sampat Bhatane, Principal Chairman 9209321164
2 Mr. Amol Shinde, Librarian Secretary 9545453113
3 Dr. Vaibhav Bhadage, Assistant Professor Member 9766543216
4 Dr. Yogeshwari Patil, Assistant Professor Member 7741903994
5 Mrs. Lalita Gosavi , Assistant Librarian Member 9022278237
6 Aditya Ahire, Student ( FY.BAMS) Member 8275546062
7 Nachiket Patil, Student ( FY.BAMS Batch -2024-25 )( FY.BAMS) Member 8010435286
  • To formulate various policies related to library like, collection development, purchase, space etc
  • To propose library budget for the Institutes and department
  • To propose library activities, programmes and services
  • To propose library vision, strategy document
  • To propose library and information literacy in the institute
  • To formulate knowledge and information archiving and management policy at the institute.