Indian Institute of Medical Sciences Ayurved College & Hospital

इंडियन इन्स्टिट्यूट ऑफ मेडिकल सायन्सेस आयुर्वेद कॉलेज अँन्ड हॉस्पिटल

Address:- Gat No. 144, Opposite Delhi Public School, Behind MUHS, At Manori, Tal. Dindori, Nashik 422 004

Institute Code: N.C.I.S.M. : AYU0821
College Code MUHS:123131
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

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Admission  2024-25


Dr. Nilesh S. Kulthe
Dr. Nilesh Subhash Kulthe
DesignationAssociate Professor and H.O.D.
DepartmentSwasthvritta and Yoga
QualificationBAMS, M.D., Dip. Yoga Teacher, PGDEMS, PhD ( Scholar)
Email ID[email protected]
Date of Birth23/03/1985
Date of Joining15/01/2024
Total Experience7 Year 01 Month
Contact No.8087271812
Teacher Index CodeAYKC01514
Registration No.MCIM Mumbai- I-61757-A
International Publication14
National Publication06
Address75-B, KRISHNA Bungalow, Usha-Kiran Society, Trimbak Road, Nashik 422 003